Bill pretended like everything was fine, called his girlfriend told her that he wanted to take her out so they could enjoy themselves; hoping that everything would be fine.
He told Princess that he still wanted the relationship cuz he abandoned his married wife and left her with the kids cuz he wanted to make her happy—he apologized and asked her if there was anything wrong so that he could settle it for them to be happy again.
She still stood by her word and insisted that she didn't want to be in a romantic relationship with him anymore. Told him that she just wanted them to be friends cuz she got a new boyfriend already.
Then, Bill asked her: “After you made me ruin my marriage and abandon my entire family only cuz I thought we could be a great couple?” she reiterated, “Bill, you can still go back to your wife and family. It's not late yet”
While leaving the entertainment center, Bill reportedly told her to follow him so they could go and make up things indoor since he couldn't handle it in the club. She refused and told him that she didn't want to be bothered.
Upon hearing this, Bill allegedly st@bbed her in the stomach 6 times and in the back 6 times since she refused to follow him and decided to walk out of a relationship that he abandoned his wife and family for—ended everything once and for all.
Dear ladies, if you don't genuinely love a guy don't push him to do certain things. Not all men will say “I leave my own to God”. Y'all gotta be careful out there.